
Can You Froth Creamer? 4 Easy Ways for Frothing at Home

Creamer has recently come on the scene as a milk substitute and won over a huge number of coffee lovers ever since. And this happened for a good reason; creamer has a longer shelf-life than milk and it’s lactose-free (most coffee creamers are dairy free).

If you enjoy your coffee with milk, why not give creamer a go for a bit of a change since it comes in some great flavours? You can blend it with coffee whether it’s cappuccino, latte or espresso.

But can you froth creamer and if so, how should you go about it? Let’s find out.

What’s Coffee Creamer?

You’ll find creamer either in liquid or powder form and it’s often flavoured; some of the most popular flavours include: 

  • French Vanilla coffee
  • Hazelnut
  • Italian Sweet Cream
  • Cafe Mocha
  • Caramel Macchiato
  • Butter Pecan 
  • Crème Brûlée

Coffee creamer is commonly made from: 

  • Vegetable oil 
  • Water
  • Sodium
  • Artificial flavouring

Can you froth any type of creamer? 

The short answer is ‘yes you can froth almost any type of creamer (including whipped cream), but it largely depends on the ingredients of each brand and form of creamer, but most often you’ll just need to add water or milk to them to make great foam. For example, if you purchase liquid creamer you won’t need to dissolve it, but if you go for the powdered one, odds are you’ll need a dissolving liquid.

What are the options for making frothy coffee at home?

Let’s go over the three most popular options we have to make heavenly frothy coffee. 

Dairy-free creamer

You can go for creamer as it tastes delicious and it’s dairy free although some brands contain dairy derivatives. One of the most popular brands is Nestle; I’ve personally tried out and have to say it elevates my coffee.


Milk is also great for a frothy coffee cup; it turns your coffee into a slightly sweeter drink although it has no sugar. If you’re lactose intolerant you can always go for cow milk substitutes including soya, almond, hazelnut or coconut because they’re also great for frothing.


Classic creamer that contains milk is an excellent choice for frothing and really adds to your coffee; it’s richer than milk and tastes as great as dairy-free creamer. And frothing can be done without a frother or any other fancy gear.

But on the flipside, it has lots of calories so it’s not the best option if you’re on a diet.

Why should you froth creamer? 

You should froth creamer simply because it adds an infusion of extra flavour to your coffee whether it’s cappuccino, latte or espresso. Plus, the sugar it contains is a great source of energy to kick-start your day. Let’s look at the types of frothy coffee.

4 ways on how to make homemade creamer

Here are four no-fuss ways of making creamer for your coffee at home.  If you’re into trying new recipes you should give at least one of them a shot. 

Use a Hand Frother for frothing coffee creamer 

Simply pour coffee creamer in a milk jug and give it a good whisk (yes, the hand frother should be under the surface before you turn it on) for a few minutes until fluffy foam sits on top. 

You can buy a pretty good hand frother for about ten bucks.

Use a Jug Frother for frothing coffee creamer 

Just pour the creamer into the jug frother, choose whether you like your creamer to be hot or cold (if your gadget gives you this option), turn it on for a few minutes and you’re good to go.  Price ranges from $12-$40.

Use a French Press (Plunger) for frothing coffee creamer 

If your Keurig frother isn’t working you can froth creamer with a French press. Simply remove the lid, pour creamer into the pot, put it back on and press the plunger up and down till enough foam is made. You can get a decent plunger for about $15. Frankly, I’ve tried the cheap ones and they don’t really do as good a job so just buy the best you can afford. 

Use a Steam Wand to for frothing coffee creamer 

If you already have your own coffee machine. turn it on, give it a few minutes to build up enough steam before pouring creamer and place the wand in the jug (ensure it’s fully submerged) and your creamer will be ready in a few minutes. You can find some value-for-money coffee machines from around $50-$200.

How long to froth creamer? 

You’ll probably need 45-60 seconds to get it done in a frother coffee machine or with a hand frother, but it might be a bit longer (about 2-3 minutes) if you use a plunger. You can when it’s ready by the foamy look of it.

Can you use coffee creamer to make cold foam?

On a scorching Sunday afternoon, there’s’ nothing better than chilled foam. Luckily, you can easily make cold foam with coffee creamer. If you own a frother gadget with the option to make either hot or cold foam you’re good.

If not, you can use your hand frother, coffee machine or plunger to make your foam, pour your coffee over crushed ice and top with your cool foam.

When and how to add froth Coffee Creamer to your Coffee

As I previously stated, coffee creamer is an excellent substitute for milk if you don’t like milk in your coffee for any reason. For a change, you can even put it in your coffee. So, if you buy liquid creamer, just make foam and pour it on top of your coffee to add flavor.

You can also add it to milk-based coffees like lattes or cappuccinos. However, if you choose the powder, one scoop added directly to your coffee would suffice.

Acidity is an often desired coffee quality, not all connoisseurs prefer a cup of coffee that is excessively bright. Therefore, adding milk to a coffee is an appropriate technique to reduce its acidity. But creamer doesn’t necessarily reduce your coffee’s acidity, but it makes it taste great.

It’s good to really experiment with your coffee and add as much as you think that really adds an amazing layer of flavour to your beverage.

Let’s wrap it up

Coffee is a sacred drink we all love, some of us are coffee addicts and we really want to enjoy it every single time we drink it. However, it’s great to have top quality coffee and try new things for a change. And this is when creamer comes in handy in offering a tasty, often healthier alternative to milk or cream.

FAQ about frothing creamer

If you still have a few questions about the topic I suggest you read through this section with answers to common questions.

Can you really warm up creamer?

Yes you can and the simplest way is to pop in the microwave for a couple of minutes. BTW, It’s no good overheating it; it tastes terrible – I’m talking from experience.If you have a jug frother or a coffee machine you can always revisit the step-by-step sections above.

Can You Drink Plain Coffee Creamer?

Well yes you can… just like milk and some people actually prefer it. Why not give it a go? Poured over crushed ice with cool foam on top, add a dusting of cocoa powder and it’s surprisingly good.

What about frothing flavoured creamer

No problem with that. Whether your creamer is flavoured or not you can froth it using one of the simple ways above.

By the way, some people mix flavoured creamer with full-fat milk to make their coffee richer. I gave it a whirl a week ago, and it tastes good, but for now I’ll stick with my skinny cup as I’m off to a cousin’s wedding in September and my suit is a bit tight!

Can you Froth coffee-mate creamer? 

In liquid form, coffee-mate creamer can be frothed in the same manner as milk.In particular, if you have a frother, you can use these straightforward steps:

When the foam is ready, turn on the frother, cover it with the lid, and wait a few minutes. You’re done.

Can you put creamer in forther? 

Yes, and fortunately you can froth it so you may enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee with excellent foam on top. You can always go and take a look at the instructions I provided above on how to use a frother to froth creamer.

Can you froth creamer without a frother? 

Yes you can, I’ve got you covered on this too. Let’s go over three different ways you can go about it whether you fancy using a coffee machine, a hand frother or even a French Press – the choice is yours.

Can you froth creamer in a blender? 

Of course you can, but it makes a lot of washing up for an essentially small job.This doesn’t sound like a great idea and if I’m honest with you I’ve never tried myself, but you don’t need to unless you don’t own any frother gadgets that can froth creamer. 

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