
Can You Put Heavy Whipping Cream in Your Coffee? Here’s How

If you’re like me, you like your coffee with just a touch of cream. But if you want to make your coffee that much richer and creamier, heavy whipping cream is the way to go. And, let’s be honest, it just makes the coffee taste so much better. Plus, it’s way more filling than regular milk or cream. 

Can you brew coffee with heavy whipping cream? When to use it? 

When used as a milk substitute in coffee (either as liquid or after being whipped), heavy cream adds a robust taste to your brew.

Here’s a bunch of different methods of adding heavy whipped cream to your brew:

  • For a richer, creamier flavour, whip the heavy cream and add two scoops to each espresso shot. As the air bubbles in the whipped cream deflate and the milk fats spread, the whipped cream quickly melts in hot coffee.
  • Without foaming, warm the heavy cream and pour it over the coffee.
  • For a cold, creamy coffee, stir in chilled heavy cream to iced coffee.
  • Whip the cream and sprinkle it on frappes, hot coffee, and iced coffee.

How much heavy whipping cream you should add

Consider starting with one spoonful per 8 oz. of coffee but if you’re lactose intolerant it’s wise not to avoid heavy whipping cream. 

What are the benefits of using heavy whipping cream? When is it best to add to your coffee? 

Because of its distinct taste and thick texture, heavy whipping cream doesn’t go well with any kind of coffee; it can become the dominant flavour in your cup and you’ll end up drinking a brew that doesn’t taste like coffee at all. 

But the good news is that heavy whipping cream usually goes well with dark coffee roasts that the coffee flavour is present after pouring heavy cream into your cup. Cold coffee is another great option for adding heavy whipping cream to your coffee as its thickness goes well with crushed ice to create a decadent bevy.

Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of heavy whipping cream.


Tastes better: it adds an extra tasty layer to your bevy. 

A great little-lactose option: compared to other alternatives heavy whipping cream contains very little lactose 

Natural calories: it doesn’t contain almost any additives and artificial colours. 


Mellow coffee taste: if it’s added to a coffee, heavy whipping cream predominates the taste and your brew will taste nothing like coffee.

How does heavy whipped cream taste like in 3 different coffees? 

Let’s have a look at three common coffees that taste with whipped cream.


The sweetness of the cream helps to offset the bitterness of the coffee, and the rich texture changes the colour and taste of the drink. French Press espresso with cream on top is one of my favourite coffees.


Frappes made with heavy whipping cream are some of the most delicious and indulgent drinks around. If you’re looking for a treat that will truly tantalise your taste buds, then you need to try a frappe made with heavy whipping cream.

Irish coffee

It adds a richness and depth of flavour and the cream also helps to mellow out the bitterness of the coffee and the alcohol, resulting in a well-balanced beverage.

Top tip: if the cream you use is unsweetened, (you guessed it) it won’t make your coffee sweeter. 

Is heavy whipping cream the same as heavy cream for coffee?

Heavy whipping cream has a higher fat content than heavy cream, which means it will produce a richer, more indulgent cup of coffee. However, heavy cream is less likely to curdle when added to hot coffee, so if you’re looking for a smoother brew, it’s the way to go.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which type of cream you prefer in your coffee. 

Can heavy cream be frothed?

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of trying to froth creamer or heavy cream, you know that it can be a frustrating experience. The cream just doesn’t seem to want to cooperate, and no matter how much elbow grease you put into it, the results are often less than satisfactory. 

The good news is that heavy cream can indeed be frothed – you just need to know the right technique.

First, make sure that your cream is very cold. Then, pour it into a bowl and start whisking energetically. Just keep going until the cream forms soft peaks. If you find that your cream isn’t cooperating, you can add a little bit of sugar or vanilla extract to help it along.

With a little patience and perseverance, you’ll be able to get those beautiful, fluffy results that you’re after. You can even do frothing without a frother, or when even your Keurig frother has stopped working.

Does heavy whipping cream curdle in your coffee? How to avoid it?

The other day, I was in my kitchen, making a cup of coffee.

I took the cream out of the fridge and reached for the heavy cream. But as soon as I touched the container, I knew something was wrong. The cream was lumpy and had clumps of white curdled milk floating in it. It looked gross, and I knew there was no way I was going to put that in my coffee.

So how do you avoid curdling the heavy cream in your coffee? Here are a few tips:

  • Use room temperature cream: If the cream is too cold, it will curdle when it hits the hot coffee. So make sure to let it sit out for a few minutes before using it.
  •  Add the cream slowly: Pour it in a little bit at a time, stirring as you go. This will help to prevent it from curdling.
  • Use a microwave-safe mug: If you’re in a hurry, you can heat up your cream in the microwave for a few seconds before adding it to your coffee. This will help to prevent curdling.

Coffee creamer vs heavy cream: which is better? 

This is a debate that has been waged for years, and there are strong opinions on both sides. Coffee creamer is quick and easy to use, and it comes in a variety of flavours that really elevate your brew. 

However, there are some drawbacks to using coffee creamer. For one thing, it’s often loaded with sugar and calories and for another, it doesn’t provide the same creamy texture as heavy cream.

Besides adding it to a cup of coffee, they also have unique uses: heavy cream is great for making ice cream or sour cream whereas coffee creamer goes well in a cup of hot chocolate or tea

Top tip: If you’re unsure whether to go for heavy cream or coffee creamer you can always check out the ‘half-and-half’ option; it tastes like milk and is an excellent low-calorie alternative.

Which Additional Ingredients Go Well With Heavy Whipping Cream?

 If you want to take your cream to the next level? Here are a few ideas for ingredients that go well with heavy whipping cream:

  • Butter: A classic combo! Adding a bit of butter to your cream will make it even more rich and delicious.
  • Vanilla extract: This is a great way to add some sweetness to your cream. Just add a teaspoon or two of vanilla extract, to taste.
  • Cinnamon: For a touch of spice, add a pinch or two of cinnamon to your cream. This is especially good in coffee or hot chocolate.
  • Chocolate: Another classic. Whether you use chocolate chips, cocoa powder, or melted chocolate, adding some chocolate to your heavy whipping cream will make it even more decadent.
  • Or for something really unique, try adding a tablespoon of instant coffee or cocoa powder. 

Does Heavy Cream Cause Weight Gain?

Heavy cream is high in calories and fat, so it could theoretically lead to weight gain if you consume too much of it. However, there’s also some evidence to suggest that cream may actually help to boost weight loss.

But it’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to include heavy cream in your diet. If you’re watching your calorie intake, then it’s probably best to avoid it.

But if you don’t mind an extra few hundred calories, then go ahead and enjoy a dollop of cream in your coffee.

Let’s wrap it up

The coffee with heavy whipping cream was definitely more delicious and satisfying than the black coffee I started with. And while it might not be the healthiest choice, it’s still better than loading up on sugar or artificial sweeteners. I would definitely recommend giving this a try if you’re looking for a little pick-me-up.

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