
9 irresistible Starbucks oat milk drinks

Having a drink with oat milk is great especially when it’s made at Starbucks. Oat milk came on the scene in the last decades as a non-dairy alternative and it’s winning over more and more coffee lovers simply because you can make perfect foam for latte and cappuccino.

Let’s go over thirteen different Starbucks oat milk drinks.

What you need to know about oat milk

If you’re looking for a delicious and nutritious alternative to cow’s milk, you’ve probably considered oat milk. But what is oat milk, exactly? Here’s everything you need to know about this popular plant-based milk:

  • Oat milk is made by soaking oats in water and then blending them into a creamy liquid. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals, and it’s a good source of protein and fibre. Plus, it’s naturally lactose-free, making it a great choice for those who are sensitive to dairy.
  • Oat milk has a creamy texture that makes it perfect for use in lattes, smoothies, and baking recipes. And thanks to its neutral flavour, oat milk can be used in any dish or recipe that calls for cow’s milk.
  • Commercially, oats and water are also combined to make oat milk, which is then strained or milled into a fine consistency.

What does coffee with oat milk taste like? 

If you’ve never had coffee with oat milk, you’re missing out. I know, I know, you’re thinking “coffee is coffee, how can adding oat milk make that much of a difference?”.

Oat milk gives coffee a richness and creaminess that regular milk just can’t match. It’s like taking your coffee from black and white to colour.

And the best part is that it’s not nearly as heavy as whole milk, so you won’t end up feeling weighed down after your morning cup. So next time you’re at the coffee shop, ask for a cup with oat milk, you might just be surprised with its great taste.

What makes oat milk so popular? 

Since Americans are consuming less and less cow’s milk, non-dairy milks have become increasingly popular.

Like cow’s milk, it has a sweet flavour and a smooth, foamy texture. Due to this,oat milk has become unbelievably popular in recent years, and everyone was calling for Starbucks to carry oat milk. By soaking oats in water, oat milk can be a tasty substitute for regular dairy milk.

Starbucks Drinks with oat milk

Here’s the lost we’re going to go through: 

  • Iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso
  • Cold Starbucks vanilla oat milk latte
  • Starbucks Latte with honey and oat milk
  • Cold Starbucks oat milk Flat White
  • Oat milk cold Blond White Mocha 
  • Oat milk Java Chip Frappuccino 
  • Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino
  • Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino made with oat milk
  • Starbucks Cocoa Macchiato with oat milk

Iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso

It’s one of the most popular Starbucks drinks for a good reason. Starbucks blonde espresso shots, cinnamon and brown sugar crushed ice and oat milk foam are mixed to create a banging brew.

Cold Starbucks vanilla oat milk latte 

This is another cracking Starbucks drink made with few ingredients but tastes heavenly. Starbucks iced latte made with oat milk and vanilla syrup that really elevates the beverage. If you’re not big on vanilla syrup, go for a hazelnut latte that is delicious.

Starbucks Latte with honey and oat milk

There’s just something about that creamy, sweet goodness that hits the spot every time.

And now, there’s a new way to enjoy your latte – with honey and oat milk and toasted honey topping; the perfect combo of sweet and salty combined, they make for a delicious and nutritious latte that you can feel good about drinking.

Cold Starbucks oat milk Flat White 

This is a real treat with foamed milk blended with ristretto (espresso made with very little water) and crushed iced. I often have that on a scorching day.

Cold Blonde White Mocha containing oat milk

If you’re a white chocolate lover this is a must drink. Cold Blonde White Mocha oat milk is made with Starbucks Blonde espresso combined with oat milk, caramelised white chocolate, crushed ice and whipped cream and sparkles on top – a delicious Starbucks cold foam drink.

Oat milk Java Chip Frappuccino 

The Java Chip Frappuccino is one of Starbucks’ best-selling beverages simply because of its velvety texture combining chocolate chips, chunked ice, oat milk, delicious mocha and whipped cream as a final touch.

Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino

Why settle for a plain old frappuccino when you could have a Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino?

This delicious drink is made with roasted coffee, milk, and caramel syrup, and it’s topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. The coffee flavour is rich and robust, while the sweetness of the caramel makes it surprisingly addictive.

Starbucks Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino made with oat milk

Coffee and cookies go well together, but when they are combined in a drink, it becomes irresistible.

Chips and mocha syrup are mixed with the roast from the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino ice and oat milk are mixed. The coffee is then covered with a velvety layer of whipped cream. You can also find some delicious Starbucks Frappuccino bottle flavours in supermarkets and convenience shops.

A final layer of the crumbled cookies with the addition of mocha drizzle is placed on top of that.

Starbucks Cocoa Macchiato with oat milk

Sometimes, even the most die-hard chocolate lovers need a little something extra to get them through the afternoon slump and that’s where Starbucks Cocoa Macchiato comes in. This delicious drink combines rich cocoa with creamy oat milk and espresso, giving you the perfect pick-me-up.

So next time you’re feeling frazzled, make your way to your nearest Starbucks and order yourself a Cocoa Macchiato.

What flavours go well with oat milk?

What about when it comes to flavour? What goes well with oat milk?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Vanilla: Oat milk and vanilla are a classic combination. The sweetness of the vanilla enhances the natural creaminess of the oat milk, making it even more delicious.

Chocolate: Another classic combo! The rich flavour of chocolate pairs perfectly with the creamy oat milk, creating a delicious and indulgent drink.

Strawberry: For a summery twist, pair oat milk with fresh strawberries. The sweetness of the strawberries will complement the natural flavours of the oat milk perfectly.

Cinnamon: Add a little spice to your oat milk with cinnamon. The warm, comforting flavour of cinnamon goes perfectly with the creamy texture of oat milk. Plus, it’ll make your house smell amazing! And of course, there are more Starbucks drinks with cinnamon.

Wrapping up

I get it, drinking coffee with oat milk won’t be on your to-do-list, not even your New year’s resolution (unless you’re a hipster), but it’s no harm to try out one of the beverages we’ve talked about. Check also some of the best hot Starbucks drinks.


Have a couple of burning questions? Read on to find the answer; we’ve covered the most common.

Can oat milk make you gain weight?

The short answer is no.

Oat milk is actually a very good choice for people looking to lose weight or maintain their weight because it is low in calories and fat. In fact, a cup of oat milk contains only about 60 calories, compared to whole milk, which has about 150 calories.

And while oat milk does have some carbohydrates, it is also a good source of fibre, which helps to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Is oat milk good for weight loss?

Hip coffee shops are serving it up in lattes, and even major grocery stores are starting to stock it on their shelves. But what about oat milk’s purported health benefits? Can this trendy new beverage also help you lose weight?

Well, it turns out that oat milk may indeed be helpful for weight loss. One study found that participants who consumed oat milk felt more satisfied after meals and were less likely to snack later on. Oat milk is also high in fibre, which has been shown to promote weight loss by helping to regulate digestion and keeping you feeling fuller for longer.

Can I drink oat milk everyday?

The answer is a resounding yes! Here’s why:

  • Oat milk is packed with nutrients. It’s a good source of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. In fact, it’s even been shown to lower cholesterol levels. So if you’re looking for a nutritious beverage, oat milk is a great choice.
  • It is perfect for those with lactose intolerance or other digestive issues. It’s easy on the stomach and gentle on the intestines. So if you’re looking for a dairy-free alternative, oat milk is a great choice.
  • Oat milk is environmentally friendly. It requires less water and land to produce than cow’s milk, and it doesn’t produce methane gas. So if you’re looking for a sustainable option, oat milk is a great choice.

Does oat milk contain any sugar? 

Oat milk is all the rage these days, but you may be wondering whether it lives up to the hype.

It is made from oats that have been ground down into a fine powder and then mixed with water.

This simple ingredient list means that oat milk is naturally sweetened by the oats themselves and does NOT require the addition of any extra sugar.

Does oat milk cost more at Starbucks?

Starbucks doesn’t charge you extra whether you order your coffee with almond, oat or coconut milk. But you’ll pay an extra 50 cents for a latte with or other coffee types that have milk as their basic ingredient.

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