
Why Does Coffee Taste Like Cigarettes? Top Tips Inside

Ever said to yourself ‘Why does coffee taste like cigarettes?’. 

I made coffee the other day and it tasted horrible. I couldn’t really identify the taste of it when suddenly it stroke me. My coffee tasted like cigarettes. How’s that possible? Stick around, in this article, I go over all the possible reasons that make coffee taste like cigarettes. 

Let’s jump straight into it.

Why does coffee taste like cigarettes?

When coffee is roasted it produces a sulfur-containing aroma which is similar to what tobacco produces and as a result, it causes bad breath and dry mouth. The sulfur aroma is more intense in medium-roasted and dar-roasted beans as these kinds of beans are typically roasted at higher temperatures and extract more of this aroma. 

Does black coffee taste like cigarettes? 

The answer is: it depends

You can make black coffee with all 3 main roasting categories:

  • Light roast
  • Medium roast
  • Dark roast

But the taste of each roast is different from the other roast types. For example, Black coffee made with light roast beans tends to be more tangy and fruity as the beans haven’t been roasted as long as the other roast types and taste closer to raw coffee beans you collect off trees. But black coffee made with medium and dark roast have more of the taste of cigarettes as the extract has more of a sulfur aroma. If you brew black coffee with these kinds of coffee beans, the odds are you might notice the taste of cigarettes in your coffee.

But not all the medium and dark roast coffee beans pass on this taste to your coffee. Robusta coffee beans tend to have more of this taste whereas Arabica tastes less.

A. Jones on Quora says: ‘I understand this is an old thread, however, I have read some answers and many of them are stating that it is the coffee quality etc. Well, I don’t want to sound objective, but every old coffee (ground or beans) appears to get that tobacco smell when they have gotten old or aged for a while..’

Can coffee make your mouth smell taste like cigarettes? 

The answer is: No

By drinking coffee (no matter what the roast type is) can’t make your breath taste like cigarettes, unless you smoke cigarettes while drinking coffee (which is common among those who drink many cups of coffee every day).

Although coffee might taste like cigarettes sometimes, the sulfur aroma ISN’T intense enough to affect the smell of your mouth. 

But coffee can slightly change the smell of your mouth in other ways.

Caffeine typically dehydrates you and makes you have a dry mouth which may change the smell of it. 

The number of cups of coffee you drink a day also plays a role, as the more cups you have in a day, the more chances of coffee affecting your smell. 

Another factor to consider is Tannins which are compounds found in coffee. This compound can make your mouth feel dry and this can slightly change the smell of your mouth.


Why does coffee sometimes taste like ashes? 

Have you ever experienced that? 

This is mainly happening for 4 reasons: 

  • The roast type 
  • How old the beans are
  • The temperature of the water
  • The length of brewing

Why do all these factors make coffee taste like ashes? 

As I already mentioned above the roast type plays a role, you might experience that with mainly medium and dark roasts.

Another thing to consider is how old the beans are. When did you buy them and where do you keep them after opening the pack? If it’s been a long time since you bought them and you use them for brewing they will probably spoil the taste of your coffee. It’s wise to use the beans soon after you buy them and when you open the pack make sure to keep them in a container and away from sunlight and humidity.

Regarding the temperature of the water, you don’t need it to be excessively hot, otherwise, it burns your coffee and you end up with a cup of coffee that tastes weird…

Your ideal temperature for brewing should be 195°F to 205°F.

What about the length of brewing? 

Brewing for long at a high temperature you’re going to burn your coffee – guaranteed.

Ideally, your brewing should last between 2-4 minutes.

How to avoid brewing coffee that tastes like cigarettes?

My advice to you is: DON’T PANIC

Let’s go over a bunch of simple ways of avoiding this.

Simple ways of avoiding brewing coffee that tastes like cigarettes

First off, make sure you try out different kinds of coffee beans from light roast to dark roast. There are so many options out there – you’re spoiled for choice. You’ll soon find out that really makes aromatic coffee that tastes good.

Another thing to consider is to use the coffee once you open the pack. The longer you keep them in the pack or even a container the less aromatic (and more cigarette-taste) your coffee is going to be. 

Also, make sure you follow the best practices of brewing coffee, meaning that you use water at the right temperature and your brewing time is within the recommended time.

Add sugar or milk to your brew 

You can always add sugar, milk, or even coffee creamer (which makes coffee less acidic) to your brew to change its taste of it and make it sweeter. And it doesn’t need to be white sugar that is high in calories. You can use brown sugar or even stevia that is low in calories. 

Healthy coffee alternatives

If you find it difficult to drink coffee because it tastes like cigarettes you can always change your tipple. 

Why not make tea? 

Tea is always a great alternative to coffee and it is an antioxidant that cleanses your body. There are so many options from herbal teas like cardamon to chamomile and black tea. 

Another option is hot chocolate which is sweeter and it’s a great beverage any time during the day.

Let’s wrap it up

Why does coffee taste like cigarettes? By reading through this article, I hope you picked a thing or two on how to make better coffee. Coffee is a sacred drink and we only want to drink nothing but great coffee. If you enjoyed this article, stay tuned more articles like this are coming soon. 


Let’s go over some burning questions.

How should I roast my coffee the right way? 

If you’re fed up with your coffee tasting like cigarettes, I suggest you opt for light roast beans to avoid this unpleasant taste.

Is it unhealthy to drink burned coffee? 

It’s vital to avoid drinking and eating burned drinks and foods.

Studies have found that burned drinks and food contain a compound called acrylamide (it’s found when brewing or cooking at temperatures over 120 °C (248 °F). This can cause health problems. The FDA also recommends avoiding burned drinks and foods.

What if I can’t drink coffee that tastes like cigarettes? 

Simply don’t drink it and make sure you try out light roast coffee beans that make your coffee taste close to citrus fruits.

How to get the burnt coffee taste out of your mouth?

Make sure to drink plenty of water and brush your teeth twice to completely get read of the burned taste. Continue drinking plenty of water after brushing your teeth.

Should I throw away coffee beans that make my coffee taste like cigarettes? 

Yes, it’s better to just get rid of them if you can’t drink the coffee they produce. Another solution is to use spent coffee grounds for your grass as they’re a good fertiliser (but this needs to be done the right way).

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