Can you make coffee with alkaline water?
If so, what are the benefits of using alkaline water? Does it taste better or is it healthier? Stick around, in this article I go over all the key elements of alkaline water and if it’s worth brewing coffee with it.
Let’s kick off.
Can you make coffee with alkaline water?
It’s absolutely OK to brew coffee with alkaline water; it’s going to enhance the taste of it. Alkaline water is less acidic; the pH of tap water is normally between 5 and 6.3, while alkaline water has 8 to 9 pH and this makes coffee less acidic and taste better.
What you should know about alkaline water
Simply put, alkaline water is less acidic than regular water.
Water with a high amount of alkaline icons becomes less acidic. The pH of regular water is 7 and as mentioned above, tap water can be more acidic than this (depending on the area you live) with 5 to 6.3.
I know this isn’t a science class and I don’t mean to blind you with science.
But here’s a bit more about alkaline:
It’s a common belief that alkalis help the human body to function better. One of the most common alkali is sodium hydroxide.
The benefits
Let’s take a look:
- It’s claimed that it slows down the ageing process
- It prevents certain diseases including heart attack
- It regulates the pH of your body
- It neutralises acid in your bloodstream
The downsides
Let’s check them out:
- It can cause gastrointestinal problems
- It can cause nausea or even vomiting
- It can reduce natural stomach acidity if you drink too much of it for a long time
How does it make your coffee taste better?
Here’s an issue with tap water:
If it’s high in hard minerals, the odds are it’s going to spoil the taste of your coffee. Plus, it might be more acidic and might cause acid reflux in the long run (especially if you have too many cups every day).
Alkaline water, on the other hand, doesn’t contain hard minerals and it’s rich in calcium and magnesium which help coffee extract all its flavours and aromas, making drinking coffee an enjoyable experience.
How to make alkaline water at home?
Let’s go over 3 different ways how to make alkaline water at home.
Use baking soda
Baking soda is one of those products that has so many uses from making cookies and cakes to neutralise water. Because its pH is 9 you can add it to water and turn it into alkaline. All you need to do is combine ⅛ of tbsp of baking soda with 8oz of purified water and stir it up for some time to make sure the soda dissolves properly. The good news is that you probably don’t need to invest in baking soda as you might have some left from the last time you baked cookies or a cake.
The downside of this method is that if your sodium intake is going to be increased (soda contains a lot of sodium) it might lead to high blood pressure and heart diseases in the long run.
pH Drops
As mentioned baking soda has too many uses, whereas the use of pH drops is solely to neutralise water and turn it into alkaline. You just need a couple of drops in a glass of water to just make it alkaline and you’re good to go. They typically come in bottles, so you’ll be OK for some time without needing to buy them too often. Their price ranges but you can get a small bottle for $15.
Go for a water Ioniser
This is probably the most effective way to produce alkaline water, but it comes at a cost.
Typically, water ionisers do a pretty good job. You attach it to your tap and then it filters the water supplying you with purified water instantly without much effort.
A good one will cost you up to $100, but the good thing is it’s a one-time investment and it usually comes with a guarantee. The only cost is replacing the filters now and again and you’ll be enjoying drinks with alkaline water.
Let’s wrap it up
And that’s a wrap of this article about making coffee with alkaline water. Hope you learned a thing or two. Stay tuned, more articles and guides are on the way about brewing delicious coffee.
Your burning questions are answered in this section. Let’s take a look.
Is alkaline water OK for coffee makers?
Yes, it’s absolutely OK to brew coffee with alkaline water, and in fact, it’s going to taste better as it doesn’t contain hard minerals that can spoil the taste of your coffee.
Will alkaline water reduce the acidity in my coffee?
The short answer is: Yes. Alkaline water is a good option to consider especially if you suffer from acid influx or other gastronomic health issues.
Can you make coffee with pH water?
Yes, you can but that might change the taste of your coffee and you might not enjoy your cup of joe in the end. According to guru baristas, 6.5 to 7.5 is the ideal pH of the water to brew delicious coffee.
Can you make coffee with 9.5 pH water?
Theoretically speaking you can, but again the taste might be weird, and you won’t enjoy your drink. I suggest you go for water with pH between 7 and 8.5 for brewing delicious coffee.
Is it OK to boil alkaline water?
Yes, you can boil alkaline water if you’re planning to brew tea or use it in any other possible way. However, if your aim is to purify it, it won’t make any difference as it’s already pure enough.

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