
Is Stronger Coffee More Bitter? Read This Before Your Next Brewing

Is stronger coffee more bitter? 

The other I was having a chat with my girlfriend over a cup of coffee about strong coffee. She insisted that too strong coffee tastes bitter, so out of curiosity we did research on the topic and found out interesting stuff. Stick around, I’m going to share everything we found out and share tips on how to brew delicious coffee. 

Let’s get started. 

Is stronger coffee more bitter? 

Stronger coffee means extracting more coffee flavours than it’s recommended from your coffee machine. The more coffee flavours you extract during the brewing process the more bitter your coffee turns. 

What you should know about strong coffee

Let’s talk about strong coffee to help you get the big picture. 

What is strong coffee? 

Strong coffee is regarded coffee made with higher coffee to water ratio than 1:18 which is the typical ratio most people stick to. For example, instead of using 18ml for each coffee ground gram you go 15ml for each coffee gram (1:15) your coffee is going to be stronger than the usual cup of coffee. 

How to make strong coffee

There are 2 ways you can make coffee stronger.

The first: as mentioned above, all you need to do is use more coffee grounds (or less water) to brew and your coffee is going to contain more coffee flavours.

The second: brew for longer than it’s recommended by your coffee machine brand; this leads to over extraction, meaning more coffee compounds will end up in your cup. 

Strong vs Rich coffee

Some use these terms interchangeably, but are they really the same thing? 

Strong coffee is coffee that’s high in caffeine and really gives you this kick and keeps you going during the day. 

Is strong coffee rich? 

Not necessarily. 

What’s rich coffee then? 

Rich coffee is typically the ‘perfect’ coffee with intense flavours and aromas that evoke your emotions. Typically, there are certain coffee types that make rich coffee. For example, dark roasts are known for making coffee with rich flavours and aromas. 

Is rich coffee strong? 

Not necessarily, it can be rich but too strong. 

What are the strongest coffee types and how do they taste? 

Let’s go over some of the strongest coffee types and discuss whether they taste bitter or not.


It’s one of the most popular coffee types with the FDA recommending not going over 6 espresso a day as it’s a pretty strong coffee although it comes in a small cup and it’s normally 25ml. It’s not so bitter as a coffee unless you over-extract it during the brewing process – it gives you this dry taste and it’s wise to drink water after.


Ristretto is pretty similar to an espresso shot made with less pressure and water, meaning that the coffee/water ratio is higher than an espresso – it’s really a good way to kickstart your day. It’s slightly more bitter than espresso but not overly bitter.


It’s a type of espresso made with an espresso machine or Moka pot; more water is used in the process. Its taste is more intense than the espresso one.


This is probably the most popular coffee type and it’s as strong as an espresso in terms of caffeine as it contains 1 espresso shot. The steamed milk in it adds a sweet spin to it, so it doesn’t taste bitter.

Flat White

Flat White is almost identical to a latte, but it’s stronger as it contains less milk and more coffee. Similar to a latte, because it contains milk it’s not bitter. 

Cafe Bustelo 

It’s Colombian coffee you can brew with a Moka pot and it’s pretty strong coffee, every sip is a real energy boost for you. It tastes bitter as it contains a lot of caffeine. 

Vietnamese coffee  

It contains a lot of sugar (condensed milk) and it’s pretty strong coffee (probably the strongest on the list). Because it contains a lot of sugar it takes all the bitterness away.

When to drink and when not to drink strong coffee

Let’s go through a few occasions when it’s wise to have strong coffee and when it’s not.

When to have a strong coffee

This kinda coffee is perfect on a hectic day you desperately want to get on with things or for whatever reason you really need this extra energy boost. 

Another reason to have strong coffee is if you’re a uni student and preparing for exams. You probably need to do revision, if you consider staying up until late a cup of strong coffee will keep you awake for some time.

When to avoid drinking strong coffee? 

It’s wise to avoid drinking strong coffee if you suffer from insomnia. Excessive amounts of coffee intake on a daily basis can make you stay up at night. It’s good to go for decaf coffee in the evening before bed.

Another reason to avoid strong coffee is if you’ve been anxious or stressed lately. Caffeine can make you stressed or anxious and it’s wise to avoid strong coffee and prioritise your inner peace and tranquillity. 

Let’s wrap it up

Kudos, you made it to the end of this post. I hope you learned a thing or two and more specifically whether stronger coffee is bitter. I’m planning to write more articles about strong coffee and how to perfect the art &science of brewing – stay tuned. 

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