
Here’s How to Remove Espresso Puck: Steal This Barista Secret

Do you know to remove the espresso puck the easy way? 

I know, it is frustrating when you really crave an espresso but you have to remove the espresso puck from your portafilter. It’s happened to all of us and I’m pretty sure baristas have even experienced it. Stick around, I’m going to walk you through the process of taking off the espresso puck quickly and easily and I’m going to share a bunch of tips and tricks on the topic. 

Let’s kick off. 

Key takeaways:

  • What is an espresso puck
  • 3 ways to remove the espresso puck

Why is your coffee puck stuck? 

Typically, the puck is stuck in the portafilter because we make 2 main mistakes when brewing:

  1. You have put too much of coffee grinds in the portafilter
  2. You tamped the coffee grinds too much 
  3. The coffee grind you use is prone to get stuck in the portafilter
  4. You don’t clean your espresso machine every time your brew coffee 

To avoid the first issue, just try to add as much coffee grinds as the manufacturer suggests. 

Top trick: use your hand or a cloth to remove any coffee grinds from the brim of the portafilter; these coffee grinds are burnt during brewing and your espresso turns bitter.

Regarding the 2nd issue, it’s no good going mad at tamping the coffee grinds. I made this mistake when I started using my first espresso machine and I had to always come up with ways to remove the puck. As a rule of thumb tamping your coffee grinds 2-3 times should do the trick for you. 

The 3rd issue, is directly related to how well the grinding has been done. For example, pre-ground coffee isn’t as finely ground as the one you grind yourself. So, you’ll get the puck stuck in the portafilter more often if you use pre-ground coffee. But if you grind your coffee beans yourself it’s wise to invest in a good grinder. 

Let’s talk about the importance of cleaning your espresso machine. I can’t stretch the importance of cleaning your machine enough; the puck will be stuck and the odds are your next espresso will be bitter. It’s wise to give your machine a clean right after brewing to keep it in top condition. 

Ways to remove espresso puck

Here’s how to get an espresso puck out of a portafilter

First things first, the best practice is to remove the puck from the portafilter right after you’re done with the brewing. When you leave it in for some time and it gets dry it’s usually stuck. 

To remove the puck you need to have a knock box and all you need to do is tap the portafilter abruptly at the handle of the knock box and the puck will come out of the portafilter. You can use a kitchen roll or a dry cloth to clean the coffee particles that might have been stuck in the portafilter or you can even rinse it dry it and put it back on your machine.  Do you know how to get rid of unpleasant espresso odours?

A coffee machine owners says this about removing the puck:

I had been doing a weekly Cafiza soak. I recently picked up an ultrasonic cleaner and there was a dramatic difference in residue and oil from the older of the two screens I use, so the weekly Cafiza soak will become a regular Cafiza/ultrasound soak.

– BruceWayne

What if the puck is stuck in the portafilter? 

My advice to you is: DON’T PANIC

It’s happened to everyone, even to the most experienced baristas. Let’s go over 3 

Here are 3 different ways to remove a puck that’s stuck in your machine.

1. Blind basket

You must have at least 1 blind basket as it normally comes with the espresso machine in its box. You can use it to clean the inside of your machine with cleaning tablets or powder as it doesn’t have holes (unlike the jam basket) which helps clean your machine thoroughly. To remove the stuck puck just press the top of the portafilter with the bottom of the bind basket and start moving the blind basket in a circular motion. This will free the puck and you’ll be able to get rid of it. 

2. Basket remover tool 

You can use a tool specifically designed for this purpose. 

It’s called Portafilter Basket Removal Tool which is a simple tool to use. All you need to do is fit the sharp end on the edge of the portafilter and take it to take the stuck puck out. 

3. A toothpick 

In case you don’t want to spend money on buying a Basket removal tool or you can’t find your blind basket you can simply use a toothpick. I have used this method several times. To remove the stuck puck with a toothpick just fit the toothpick on the edge of the portafilter and move it in a circular motion for a few seconds and soon the puck will be free. 

Why should you use a toothpick?

Here’s a bunch of reasons:

  • Easy to use 
  • Easy to find toothpicks
  • Simple to understand how to use
  • Effective when it’s done right to remove the puck

Let’s wrap it up 

It’s annoying to have the espresso puck stuck in your portafilter, isn’t it? Especially, when you really want to have an espresso-based coffee and can’t wait for the moment of having your first sip. It’s vital to remove it and clean the portafilter thoroughly to make sure your next espresso doesn’t taste like rubber. If you use the methods we talked about you won’t have any issues. In fact, you’ll impress your guests with the tricks you know – they might mistake you for a barista, who knows? 

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