
How Long is Iced Coffee Good For? Barista Tips Inside

Do you know how long is iced coffee good for? 

The other day I made iced coffee as it was a scorching day (over 25°C (68°F) and I didn’t manage to drink it as I couldn’t move my hand to reach for the glass. But how long is iced coffee good for? Stick around, in this article I’m going over all the little things you should know about iced coffee and I also share some brewing tips along the way.

Let’s jump straight into it.

How long is iced coffee good for? 

Iced coffee last for about 10 hours after making it. If you want to keep it for longer it’s wise to pop it in the fridge and then you can definitely have it the next day. The time that stays good is also dependent on the coffee itself and the amount of ice you used. 

How long does coffee last in the fridge? 

The answer is: it depends

It obviously depends on whether you added milk or sugar to it. If you added to milk (especially dairy) it means that your coffee won’t last long since the proteins of the milk break down quickly and this means that the milk is going to be spoiled quickly. If you put sugar though it will last longer as it’s a natural way that has been used before humans invented fridges. The good news is that it’s dead easy to change the cup of your leftover coffee and pop it in the fridge. 

Something to keep in mind is that it’s no good putting coffee beans or coffee grounds in the fridge for a while. Especially because they are acidic if they touch other foods they might spoil them. 

How long does each of these coffee types last?  

Let’s chat about different types of coffee and see how long they’re good for.

Cold Brew

Let’s first chat about what is Cold Brew and how to make it.

Cold Brew is made with coarse coffee grounds much like the coffee you make with a French press or you can even use whole coffee beans letting them soak in cold water for about 48 hours.

Cold Brew is a great low-acid coffee option.

Here are 2 ways to have it:

  • 1 way is to just pour it into a glass and have it
  • The 2nd way is to add ice which is going to make your brew extra cold

As might have guessed the second way preserves the drink longer simply because it’s colder. Use this method to ensure your drink will last longer unless you can’t really have too cold drinks. If this is the case, consider adding ice after a few hours, so it’s still going to be cold but not extremely cold.

Coffee with milk 

That’s a tricky one…

Because dairy milk is high in proteins which break down quickly, coffee with milk goes bad quicker than black coffee. It’s for the same reason that frothed milk in cappuccinos, lattes or macchiatos collapses after some time. 

What about other types of milk? 

Oat, almond or coconut milk stays good a bit longer, but it’s also important to consider the date of milk’s expiration before using it.

Iced coffee

Let’s see the main differences between Cold Brew and Iced coffee. 

Iced coffee which is good for acid reflux, is brewed with a coffee machine, a French press or a Moka pot. Then the hot coffee is poured over a glass filled with ice. And if you’re wondering if you can straight brew cold coffee instead of following the above process it’s not a good idea since you’re going to lose a lot of flavour as hot water extracts coffee flavours and aromas better. 

You can store iced coffee in your fridge for a couple of days as long as it doesn’t contain any type of milk. 

But keep in mind that your iced coffee might taste different after keeping it in the fridge for some days. The reason being the ice will melt and the coffee is going to be more watery.

Coffee grounds

It’s probably not the best idea to store coffee grounds in the fridge. 

Here’s why: 

Because of the low temperature in a fridge 40 °F moisture forces coffee beans and grounds to break down their flavours and aromas and (you guessed it) the coffee you’re going to brew with these coffee beans or grounds, it’s not going to taste as great as with beans stored in a place away from moisture. 

Plus, your beans might end up tasting broccoli or mozzarella which isn’t the best thing to experience, is it? 

Let’s wrap it up 

So do you know how long is iced coffee good for? I hope you picked a thing or two from this article. I know an iced coffee (especially on a boiling hot day) is a proper treatment that can make such a huge difference to your day. It’s good to know when it goes bad though to avoid stomach ache and other symptom coffee that has gone off can cause. 


Let’s go through some burning questions on the topic.

Does cold brew coffee go bad quickly? 

It depends on how you have it. If you have added extra water and it’s not so concentrated it won’t last so long. It’s important to keep it in the fridge and avoid drinking some of it and put it back in – it will go bad quicker. 

What can you do with leftover coffee? 

You can make different kinds of things. My favourite is to make Martini cocktails and treat your family and friends to a cool and refreshing drink. Have you tried coffee cocktails in a copper mug?

What’s the best way to store coffee in the fridge? 

The best way to store coffee in the fridge is simply to brew it first and then pop it in the fridge. You can use something as a little cover on the top to avoid smells from other foods spoiling the taste of your coffee.

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