
Espresso Powder For Baking Addictive Cakes

Espresso is such a popular drink with so many fans around the world, whether to give you a kick-start in the morning, after lunch or in the afternoon to keep you going at work and finish strong.

But did you know that you could use espresso powder for baking a decadent cake that evokes the senses with its coffee aroma and heavenly taste?

Let’s chat about how to use espresso powder for baking. 

What is espresso powder for baking?

As you might have guessed, espresso powder contains espresso and it’s used by top confectionary shops and bakers to enhance the chocolate flavour in cakes, muffins, brownies or cupcakes. It’s a professional trick they have up their sleeves to make their cakes unforgettable and ‘yes’ addictive. 

But what really is made of?

It’s different to instant coffee (which I don’t recommend you add to your cake since it’s not always the best quality).

It’s ground coffee, brewed, dried and ground again to a fine powder. However, it’s more densely textured and deeper in flavour than instant coffee, and you’ll only need about a tablespoon that is going to elevate your cake.

What you need to make your own espresso powder for baking 

You can always pop to the shops or go online and buy espresso powder, but let’s face it, making your own recipe just tastes better and it costs a fraction of the ready-made version.

Plus, it’s dead easy to make and it will only take you 20 minutes. 

What’s the recipe? Let’s take a glance:

Here are the ingredients:

Coffee beans: You can buy middle roast coffee beans, ideal for espresso. A few top brands worth looking at are Temple Dharma Espresso, Stone Street and Lifeboost.

What you’ll need:

Metal tray: An oven proof tray on which to place the powder evenly. Pop it in the oven to toast the powder. Nordic Ware is an excellent option to have at home, a versatile tray that you can use for lots of other things.  

Coffee grinder: You need to grind the coffee beans and in order to go about it you’ll find a good grinder indispensable. No need to splash out big on this, a manual gadget will do. You can even go for a spice grinder that comes much cheaper.

Airtight Container: Where are you gonna store your powder? An airtight container makes ideal storage for your powder, keeping it fresh and helps preserve the aroma for longer.

How much espresso do you need for making espresso powder for baking

It depends on the cake recipe.

A great rule of thumb is grinding a coffee mug of coffee beans that you can use for future use.

Keeping in mind that you need about one or two spoonfuls for an average-sized cake; use half the amount for cupcakes and Brownies.

You can make small amounts, but I tend to make my powder in one go to make life easier.

It’s also useful to know if your espresso will last long.

The process of making espresso powder for baking 

Here’s a  four-step recipe for homemade espresso powder:

  1. Apply the espresso powder evenly: Go ahead and grind your coffee beans; it doesn’t matter if you go for a thin or thicker grinding at this stage. And spread the espresso powder evenly on a flat baking tray or pan.
  2. Time to roast it: Turn your oven on at about 90℃ and pop it in the oven for an hour. 

  3. A second  round of grinding: Put your baked coffee powder back in the grinder for a second time. You’ll need to grind them more finely this time so your coffee turns into a smooth powder.You’ll need to grind them more finely (or even regrind your coffee grinds) this time so your coffee turns into a smooth powder. If for some reason your grinder isn’t up to the job, you can use a pestle and mortar.

  4. Let’s store it: Place it in an airtight container to maintain its aroma and flavour for longer. FYI the aroma and flavour start to diminish after the first six months so try to use it long before then.

3 of the best espresso powders for baking

Here are three popular espresso powder brands that really enhance the flavour of your cake:

1. King Arthur Espresso Powder 

It’s probably amongst the most popular espresso powder and the fact the brand has been around since 1790 speaks volumes. Among their many other  stellar products, their espresso powder is one of the best out there – I can’t recommend it enough. It comes in an 85g jar with a wide mouth to make scooping easy and galvanises your cake, brownies or cupcakes taste like no other.

2. Anthony’s Organic Espresso Powder 

If you’re a big fan of everything organic this is your perfect option. Anthony’s powder is made of only pure organic beans with no additives. According to reviews, customers are impressed with its quality and willing to purchase it again. It really gives a real twist to any chocolate cake enhancing the chocolaty flavour.

3. DeLallo Instant Espresso Powder 

DeLallo is made of dark roasted coffee beans that really add a richer flavour to your brownies or cupcakes to a point that makes them addictive. DeLallo comes in a 56g glass jar that ensures the quality and the flavour is preserved, plus it also has excellent consumer reviews.

Does espresso leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your recipe?

Not at all, your cake doesn’t taste strongly of espresso, although the name might suggest that your cake is going to taste like an espresso shot. Fortunately, it is quite subtle and makes any cake taste heavenly.

What is a good substitute for espresso powder in baking?

Not sure whether espresso powder can take your cake to the next level? I have you covered; here are three affordable alternatives:

  • Brewed espresso: To go about this use dark coffee beans and brew a cup to replace espresso powder.

  • Cocoa powder: This is a great espresso powder substitute, ideal for non-coffee drinkers too, as it tastes similar to coffee powder and yes it also elevates the taste.

  • Dutch cocoa powder: If you can’t find natural cocoa powder for some reason, go for Dutch processed cocoa powder which is a cheaper alternative but keep in mind it has additives.

  • Coarse coffee beans: Instead of espresso powder you can go for a small quantity of espresso beans but it’s better to grind it first with a grinder or even a pestle mortar.

Let’s wrap it up

Is espresso bad for you? If you’re looking for a little extra flavour in your baked goods, espresso powder is the way to go whether you’re looking for a way to jazz up your morning muffins or want to create an impressively festive layer cake for a special occasion.

Espresso powder is the secret ingredient that will take your baking skills up a notch.


Let’s take a quick look at two common questions.

Can I use regular espresso powder for baking?

The short answer is yes, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, regular espresso is much less concentrated than espresso powder, so you’ll need to use more of it to get the same flavour. Second, regular espresso has a lot of oils and solids that can make baked goods greasy or gritty.

Can I use instant coffee instead of espresso powder in baking?

Just keep in mind that instant coffee is much more potent than espresso powder, so you’ll need to use less of it. If the flavour is too strong, you can always add more milk or water to balance it out. But if coffee doesn’t really work for you, you’ll be just fine.

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