
Does Decaf Coffee Have Potassium? Here’s The Shocking Truth

Does decaf coffee have potassium? 

The other day I popped into the supermarket near my house to get decaf coffee as I often have a cup of it after my dinner. I caught myself reading the elements it contains and came across Potassium. 

Does it contain Potassium? 

I have compiled a comprehensive guide on the elements decaf coffee contains and whether some of them are harmful to our health.

Stick around…

Let’s dive in. 

Does decaf coffee have potassium? 

Yes, decaf coffee contains around the same amount of potassium as normal coffee as it’s made from the same type of beans as normal coffee.  Particularly, decaf coffee has 216mg of potassium per serving. Other beverages or products including tea and cocoa are higher in potassium than decaf and normal coffee.

What’s potassium? 

Let’s quickly go over what potassium really is. 

Potassium is an essential mineral that’s conducive to our cell tissues. It’s often referred to as an electrolyte as it really boosts the energy of our body cells. It can be found in many foods and drinks including:

  • Potatoes
  • Dried fruits (raisins, apricots)
  • Beans, lentils
  • Winter squash (acorn, butternut)
  • Spinach, broccoli
  • Bananas
  • Beet greens
  • Avocado

You can also find potassium in food supplements. 

As you might have guessed it’s great to get some of the potassium your body needs by having decaf coffee.


Is it harmful to our health? 

Potassium most of the time is great for our health.

But people with kidney disease should be cautious about their potassium intake. Those who suffer from kidney disease and consume high amounts of decaf coffee might see their condition deteriorate as potassium will build up in their blood and it has a knock-on effect on their kidneys. 

Is decaf coffee harmful to those with kidney disease?

It’s not harmful as long as you have decaf coffee in moderation. 

If you have fewer than 4 cups of coffee (decaf or normal coffee) per week you might not see your situation deteriorate quickly. And of course, there’s no harm in seeking advice from your doctor as your coffee intake depends on many factors and varies for each person. So, the best thing to do is to ask your doctor and they will be able to guide you.  

It’s also vital to know the acidity level of decaf coffee.

Decaf coffee while on a diet?

Let’s examine a few occasions related to decaf coffee and diets.

Can you drink decaf coffee while on a usual diet? 

Yes, you can have decaf coffee, as long as you drink it in moderation and don’t have too many cups a day. A cup of decaf coffee only contains 2 calories which are 3 fewer than normal coffee. A cup of decaf is very low in calories as long as you take it black 

Let’s have a look at the calories of the extras you can add to your coffee: 

  • 1 tsp of white sugar: 20 
  • 1 tsp of brown sugar: 12 
  • 1 tsp of stevia sugar:
  • 15ml of heavy cream: 51 
  • 15ml of coffee creamer: 20
  • 15ml of half-and-half: 20 
  • 1 pump of syrup: 25

So as long as you drink decaf coffee in moderation and don’t add too many extras, you’ll be on the safe side.

Can you drink decaf coffee while on a renal diet? 

For those who have kidney disease and might be on a renal diet, it’s wise to be aware of whether they can have decaf coffee. This diet is specifically designed for people who have kidney disease, and there are many variations of it but one of the main concepts of all of them is to reduce potassium intake. 

Generally, as long as you have a cup once in a while you’ll be safe. The best thing to do is to speak with your doctor and ask them if you can have a cup of decaf coffee every now and again. As I mentioned, it depends on many factors how much caffeine can body tolerate per day.

Can you drink decaf coffee if you have kidney stones?

As a general rule, anyone who has kidney stones should avoid foods and drinks that contain potassium, including decaf coffee. So, it’s wise for people who suffer from such a disease to avoid potassium.

Did you know that decaf coffee prevents your body from kidney stones? 

Research has shown that caffeine contains elements that block stones developing in your kidneys. But it’s unclear which coffees prevent kidney stones more than others. 

But as I said coffee helps prevent kidney stones; if you have it it’s no good drinking coffee.

5 tips for keeping your potassium level low

Let’s go over 7 tips that help you keep your potassium level low: 

  1. Make sure you keep yourself hydrated during the day by drinking plenty of fluids
  2. Skip adding extras including sugar or cream to your coffee (unless you want to reduce acid in coffee which in this case cream is good)
  3. Lower your consumption of foods that are high in potassium such as potatoes, broccoli and spinach
  4. Speak to your doctor to make sure how much potassium you can have per day
  5. Consider taking medication that helps with kidney disease 

How much potassium can I have per day? 

Adults that don’t have any health issues with their kidneys should consume 4.500mg a day while those that have kidney disease and are on a renal diet should consume lower than 2,000mg per day.

But which foods are high in potassium? 

Based on the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) foods with more than 20% Daily Value (DV) are regarded as high. 

Let’s see the Daily Value of some common foods: 

  • Orange juice: 11% DV → 495mg of potassium
  • Coffee: 2% DV → 116mg of potassium
  • Dried apricots (half a cup): 23% DV → 1,100mg of potassium
  • Spinach (190gr): 12% DV 
  • Tomato paste (50gr): 10% DV
  • Butternut squash (205gr): 12% DV

Let’s wrap it up

So, does decaf coffee have potassium? 

Let’s face it, decaf coffee ISN’T as great as real coffee (nothing can beat a delicious espresso) but it’s still a great option you can have now and again, especially if your body ISN’T reluctant to caffeine.

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