
Does Cinnamon Reduce Acid in Coffee? Myth or Not?

The other day I was wondering ‘Does cinnamon reduce acid in coffee?’

Let’s get real, coffee contains acidity, and consuming amounts of coffee might cause acid reflux or other stomach issues. It’s wise to add ingredients to your coffee to bring down the acidity level. Such ingredients are milk, creamer, and baking soda. Is cinnamon 1 of those? Stick around, in this article I’m going over all you need to know about cinnamon, its health properties, and whether it reduces the acidity level in coffee.

Let’s jump straight in. 

Does cinnamon reduce acid in coffee? 

Yes, cinnamon reduces acidity in coffee. The acidity of coffee is about 5 while the acidity level of cinnamon is between 8 to 10, meaning that adding cinnamon to your coffee it will bring down the acidity level which is great news if you’re facing stomach issues including GERD or acid reflux. 

What you should know about cinnamon

Let’s chat about cinnamon, its health properties, and its most popular uses.

What’s cinnamon

Cinnamon has been around for centuries, and in fact, ancient Egyptians used to offer it as a gift to kings as it was rare and valuable. 

It’s a spice that comes from tree barks of trees known as Cinnamomum.  

There are 2 types of cinnamon: 

  • Ceylon cinnamon (known as ‘the true cinnamon’)
  • Cassia cinnamon (more commonly used)

Health benefits of cinnamon

Much like other spices, cinnamon has plenty of health properties.

Cinnamon’s major health benefits are: 

  • Rich in antioxidants 
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Protects against heart disease
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Helps with metabolism
  • Helps with neurodegenerative diseases
  • Full of anti-viral properties 
  • Protects from fungal and bacterial diseases

Most popular uses of cinnamon

The options are endless. 

Because cinnamon gives this slight sweet spin to anything you mix it up with, there are too many recipes with cinnamon whether it’s desserts, food, or drinks.

Let’s take a look at the most popular as well as delicious ones: 

  • Cinnamon rolls: add cream cheese icing to really elevate them; they’re perfect for breakfast or pairing them with your coffee or tea.
  • Caramel apple cinnamon buns: these are made with the fantastic combo of cinnamon (obviously), apple, and caramel, making them morish
  • Cinnamon roll pancakes: a perfect dessert; they go so well with yogurt, blueberries, and maple syrup 
  • Cinnamon tea: a great option on a cold day as it soothes your throat and whole body. To add an extra layer of taste pop a tsp of honey. 
  • Cinnamon cashew flapjacks: sweet in taste and filling to keep your energy levels at their maximum. 
  • Bread with cinnamon: any kind of bread with cinnamon is great for toasting and spreading butter and jam. 
  • Moroccan chicken: made with ginger, olive oil, red pepper, and toasted sliced almonds

Coffee with cinnamon

Let’s talk about coffee with cinnamon and why you should give it a shot.

What happens when you put cinnamon in your coffee

Let’s chat about cinnamon and how it works its magic when it’s mixed up with coffee. 

Because cinnamon is less acidic than coffee, adding just a little bit of it to your coffee, it’s going to neutralise acidity and makes your brew less acidic

Less acidic coffee is good news for your stomach, but there’s more to it…

Less acidic coffee means less sour and bitter coffee, so your coffee it’s going to taste better. Plus, cinnamon gives a subtly sweet spin to your brew really elevating it while its intense aroma evokes the senses. 

Cinnamon, it’s also rich in magnesium, Vitamin K, iron, and calcium (it’s no surprise that’s considered a superfood).

It’s pretty common to see people in the Middle East have their coffee with cinnamon instead of adding sugar or cream.

It’s a natural sweetener. 

How much cinnamon should you put in your coffee?

A great rule of thumb is to add 1/4 tsp of cinnamon to your brew; it will be enough to really level up your beverage and reduce its acidity level

Warning: it’s not wise to add too much cinnamon to your drink or food as it’s a superfood, meaning that it might cause increasing heart rate or other health issues. It’s always key to consume superfoods (including cinnamon in moderation). 

Health benefits of coffee with cinnamon

Apart from reducing acidity and elevating the taste of your cup of joe, there are more benefits to coffee with cinnamon. 

Here are the major ones: 

  • It can reduce cold symptoms: it’s great for soothing sore throat and minimising the possibility of catching a cold. 
  • It works as an energy booster: it regulates blood sugar which in practice means you won’t feel fatigued so easily and you’ll maintain high levels of energy throughout the day. 
  • Rich in nutrients and vitamins: it’s a great source of vitamins and nutrients like Vitamin K that your body needs to function properly. 

Why is it vital to drink low-acid coffee

Let’s talk about the main reasons that are key to drinking low-acid coffee. 

Avoiding stomach issues

There’s not a single type of coffee that doesn’t contain acid. 

You’ll be able to find coffee with zero to minimum caffeine such as decaf coffee, but there’s no coffee that’s completely acid-free

What’s the problem with acid?

 Consuming big amounts of coffee every day over time might cause GERD or acid reflux; one of the most common symptoms is heartburn when stomach contents move up to the mouth. 

If you’re into coffee and consume many cups every day, it’s wise to be proactive and find ways to reduce acidity in your coffee to prevent such stomach issues.

Healthier Teeth 

Acidic food and drinks including Coke, tea, and coffee cause damage to the enamel of your teeth over time. This practically means that your teeth become more sensitive to cold and hot food and drinks – you’ll have more moments of discomfort when consuming foods and drinks in extreme temperatures. 

It’s wise to have healthy teeth as it exudes confidence and overall good health. Plus, it’s pretty expensive to fix your teeth. 

Coffee that tastes better

Low-acid coffee just tastes better.

How can you tell if your coffee is too acidic?

One of the easiest yet most effective ways to tell if your coffee is too acidic is to taste it. If it tastes too sour (not bitter, there’s a difference between the 2) it means that your coffee is too acidic.

Let’s get real, who wants to drink coffee that tastes sour? 

So, in order to avoid drinking coffee that it’s pretty much undrinkable, I suggest you add cinnamon to it to make it less acidic and sour. 

Better exercise 

Has this ever happened to you? 

Experiencing acid reflux symptoms while working out

It happens to many, especially those who have coffee right before working out. To be on the safe side, it’s a good idea to not drink coffee for at least 1.5 hours before doing exercise. But if you really crave a delicious cup of coffee I suggest you add cinnamon to it to reduce its acidity level. 

5 other methods of bringing down the acidity in coffee

Not a fan of cinnamon? 

Let’s chat about 4 cinnamon alternatives that bring down the acidity of your coffee. 

1. Iced coffee

Because water is less acidic than coffee when the ice of cold coffee starts melting, it will bring the acidity level down and make your brew less acidic.

2. Cold Brew

Unlike dripping coffee or espresso machines, during the process of making Cold Brew not much acidity is extracted from the coffee beans. In fact, Cold Brew is probably the least acidic coffee you can have

3. Milk 

Similar to water milk’s pH is around 6 which makes it less acidic than coffee and as we already when you mix 1 acidic coffee with a less acidic ingredient, it neutralises the acidity level and makes your beverage less acidic. 

4. Cream 

The same applies to cream which adds a proper good layer of taste to your brew and because it contains milk it works the same way milk does to bring the acidity of your coffee down. 

5. Baking Soda

That’s an uncommon way of reducing acidity in coffee, but baking soda does wonders in terms of reducing acidity in coffee as it’s an alkali with 9pH; a pinch of baking soda will be enough to make your brew less acidic.

What type of coffee cinnamon goes well with? 

You can use cinnamon in different kinds of coffee.

My personal recommendations are: 

  • Cappuccino 
  • Espresso
  • Greek coffee
  • Fredo Espresso
  • Machiatto
  • Americano
  • Dripping coffee
  • Cowboy coffee
  • Cold Brew
  • Herbal tea and chamomile

But it really comes down to your personal preference. Even instant coffee goes well with cinnamon and reduces acidity. Just try out different types of coffee and find out what really floats your boat. 

Remember: cinnamon is a superfood, so just use no more than a 1/4 tsp, otherwise, your body might react in a weird way – use superfoods in small portions and in moderation. 

Let’s wrap it up 

Does cinnamon reduce acidity in coffee? The answer is: yes it does, and it makes your coffee taste so much better, so you now know a great way of making your brew less acidic. Starbucks also has a range of low-acid drinks.

Stay tuned as I’m going to write more articles on brewing delicious coffee and spices.

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