
Is Decaf Coffee at Night a Terrible Idea? Or Not That Bad?

We’ve all been there. You’re out with friends, enjoying a few drinks and some laughs when the topic of coffee comes up. 

Suddenly you find yourself in the middle of an argument about who makes the best cup of coffee and whether or not it’s absolutely fine to drink decaf at night. If you’re like me, you just want to enjoy your drink and avoid any conflict. 

So, can you drink decaf coffee at night? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.

Key Takeaways:

  • The health benefits of decaf coffee
  • The possible side effects of decaf coffee
  • Does decaffeinated coffee help with losing weight

Can you drink coffee at night without losing sleep? 

The answer is: 

Yes, you can have decaf coffee after a meal without running the danger of disrupting your sleep or body clock. Decaf coffee is often thought of as a weak, watered-down version of the real thing, but since at least 97% of the caffeine is removed during the decaffeination process, it has almost no stimulating impact.

One cup of decaffeinated coffee can have as little as 7 mg of caffeine, compared to the 80mg to 100 mg of caffeine in a typical 8 oz cup of coffee.

Unlike caffeinated coffee, decaf doesn’t increase alertness, but serves as an energy boost, or acts as a pick-me-up. It’s the perfect late or nighttime dessert beverage, especially if you enjoy coffee as much as I do.

But of course, many argue that coffee without caffeine isn’t real coffee such as Vietnamese coffee.

Health benefits of having decaf coffee at night

Is decaf coffee really worth drinking? I mean, what’s the point? 

It’s like ordering a non-alcoholic beer – you’re just depriving yourself of the good stuff.  In addition to being low in calories, decaf coffee contains health benefits and is packed with antioxidants, it keeps your anxiety levels down, soothes the mind and body, and is low in acidity. 

This what Asher, a coffee lover states about decaf coffee:

Decafe had until recently been an inferior product (think instant Sanka). By association, decaf drinkers we viewed as lacking discriminating taste. Recent advances in technology have changed that. I have been in situations were all they served was decafe. Not as bad as I thought it would be.

Asher Mantel

It’s full of antioxidants

If you’re huge on decaf, it’s good to know that it contains antioxidants. 

(Yep, those healthy little compounds are still hanging around, even after the caffeine has been removed.) So while you might not get the energising benefits of regular coffee, at least you’re getting some health benefits from drinking decaf. 

And who knows, maybe one day scientists will figure out how to remove the bitterness and the acidity from decaf coffee.

Keeps your anxiety levels down

Doesn’t coffee work for you? If your anxiety has been spiked lately because you often lose count of how many cups of coffee you have every day, but at the same time you can’t do without its aroma, taste, and caffeine-induced buzz, consider switching to decaf. 

According to a recent study, decaf coffee can actually lower your anxiety levels. So if you’re feeling stressed out, make yourself a cup of decaf and relax, it might even help you get a good night’s sleep.

It soothes the mind and body

Coffee is known for its energising effects, but sometimes you just need a calm cup of joe. 

That’s where decaf comes in; it has all the flavour of regular coffee without the caffeine buzz, and it turns out that decaf may have some other benefits too. 

Some studies suggest that decaf coffee can help to soothe the mind and body and improve sleep quality.

So if you’re looking for a way to relax and unwind, reach for a cup of decaf, you might just find that it does the trick.

It’s low in acidity

For coffee lovers who are looking for a less acidic option, decaf coffee is a great choice. Decaf coffee beans are roasted longer than regular beans, which helps

to reduce their acidity. 

Plus, the decaffeination process itself removes some of the acidic compounds from the beans. So, decaf coffee has a lower acidity level than regular coffee. 

This is good news…

… for people who are sensitive to acidity or who are looking for a less harsh coffee option.

The table summarises the four benefits of decaf coffee:

Health  Benefit:Result:
It’s antioxidantIt enhances your immune system
It makes you less anxiousYou will cope better with a busy life
It soothes mind and bodyClearer thoughts in life 
Low in acidityFewer stomach issues with decaf coffee

What if you have a cup of decaf coffee right before bed? 

While decaf coffee does have less caffeine than regular coffee, it’s still a good idea to avoid drinking it too close to bedtime. The caffeine in decaf coffee can take a few hours to wear off, so it’s best to drink it earlier in the day. However, if you do find yourself really wanting a cup of coffee before bed, it’s wise to go for decaf coffee. 

Can decaf coffee cause you insomnia

You’ve probably heard the saying “Coffee keeps you awake.” 

But what about decaf coffee? 

Can it really keep you awake?

It turns out that the answer is no, decaf coffee can’t really keep you awake. 

Caffeine is a stimulant, and it’s not just coffee that has it: 

Tea, chocolate, and even some fizzy drinks, including Coke, contain caffeine. Decaf coffee contains just small amounts of caffeine (much like the frappuccino at Starbucks without coffee), enough to give you a boost of energy, but not sufficient to keep you turning and tossing in bed, hoping to nod off at some time. 

However, it all boils down to how much decaf you had; if you had a cup or two on a day, you won’t have any trouble going to bed. 

But on the other hand, if you had more than a dozen, the odds are you’ll probably stay up at night thinking of possible ways that will help you go to sleep.

The caffeine content in different drinks: 

  • Soft drinks: 30-40 mg (12 oz)
  • Green tea: 30-50 mg (8 oz)
  • Coffee: 80-100 mg (8 oz)
  • Energy drinks: 40-250 mg (8 oz)
  • Chocolate: 9 mg (8 oz)
  • Decaf coffee: 7 mg (8 oz)
Decaf coffee at night makes you alert

Does decaf coffee make you alert? 

While decaf coffee does contain less caffeine than regular coffee, it still has enough to produce a mild stimulant effect. In fact, studies have shown that decaf coffee can improve mental alertness and reaction time. 

Does decaf make you go to sleep easier?

Many, whether paired with food or not, sometimes enjoy a glass of wine or beer in the evening whilst others go for a non-alcoholic drink after dinner; they see it as a treat and a great way to settle down for the night. Does this ‘ritual’ do the trick for you too? If so, is decaf your tipple or not?

What’s the point of having decaf coffee? 

Well yes, I know what you’re thinking, ‘what’s the point of having coffee without caffeine?’ 

I believe decaf is great for two reasons: 

  1. Anyone tolerant to caffeine or suffering from insomnia, but loves the aroma and taste of coffee can enjoy a cup of joe without worrying about their health.
  2. You can have more cups of coffee in the day without experiencing any side effects of caffeine overload. 

What are the side effects of decaffeinated coffee?

Let’s face it decaf coffee doesn’t taste as good as the real thing, although coffee companies have come a long way in the last few years to improve their decaf coffee, making it as close to caffeinated coffee as it’s ever been. 

But apart from the taste, decaf doesn’t have any obvious side effects.

Does decaf coffee help with weight loss

According to studies on decaf coffee, participants found it slightly easier to lose weight after starting to drink decaf regularly. But this also depends on how you take your coffee; if you always add cream or a couple of spoons of sugar to your coffee it doesn’t really help when on a diet. If you’re concerned about weight loss check out carnitine coffee.

Let’s wrap it up

There are two types of people on this planet: those who snob decaf, calling it murky water, and decaf fans. No matter which side you lean on, you can’t deny that decaf is a great brew option for the evening; it’s caffeine-free.

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