Can you use Alterra coffee packets without a machine?
The other day I found an Alterra coffee packet in my cupboard and it made wonder if I can brew coffee without necessarily using a coffee machine. I did some digging and found some interesting things about it. Let’s go over all the key aspects of Alterra coffee packets and whether you can use them without and coffee brewer.
Key takeaways:
- What you should know about Aterra coffee packets
- 6 simple ways to make coffee with Alterra packets without a coffee brewer
- How to make coffee with Alterra packets with a French press or a Moka pot
How to use Alterra coffee packets without a machine
You can use Alterra coffee packets without a coffee machine; you can either use a French press, a Moka pot, a saucepan or even a mason jar with a paper (either brown or white) on top to brew delicious coffee. Out of all these methods, some are better than others.
What are Alterra coffee packets?
In essence, brewing coffee with Alterra coffee packets is a great way to not mess up the kitchen every time you make coffee.
It’s common to see coffee grinds on the counter of your kitchen every time you grind coffee beans. And on top of that spent coffee grinds might turn up on your counter too. It’s key to grinding your espresso beans the right size.
Using Alterra coffee packets saves you from the hassle of cleaning up your counter and gadgets around your coffee machines – this is the primary reason many are raving about this product. Did you know that Americans spend on average about 6 hours on cleaning their house. Using Alterra packets will save you time.
They’re specifically designed for Flavia coffee makers, but as mentioned above, you can use them without needing to buy this coffee machine.
How do Alterra coffee packets work?
Each packet has the amount of coffee ground needed to brew one cup of coffee (around 1.5-2 tbsp of coffee) with a filter on the bottom of the pack, so it works in a pretty similar way an auto drip brewer works.
You just place the pack in the machine and press the button to start, the pack open by being pressed from a burst of air, hot water runs through the packet and coffee starts to brew while the filter on the pack’s bottom prevents the coffee grinds from slipping through your cup. Did you know that you could distil water with a coffee machine?
6 easy ways on how to use Alterra coffee grounds without a machine
Here are 6 easy ways on how to use Alterra coffee grounds without a coffee brewer:
- French Press:
You’ll need:
- a French press
- an Alterra coffee grounds packet
- Moka Pot
You’ll need:
- a Moka pot
- an Alterra coffee grounds packet
- Faux French press
You’ll need:
- a spoon
- a bowl
- The Lebanese coffee way
You’ll need:
- a small saucepan (ibrik)
- a spoon
- Large Saucepan
You’ll need:
- a saucepan
- a spoon
- Filter
You’ll need:
- a masonjar
- a paper filter (brown or white)
The table below summarises the 6 ways you can brew coffee without a coffee machine:
Way1 | French Press |
Way2 | Moka pot |
Way3 | Faux French Press |
Way4 | Lebanese coffee way |
Way5 | Large Saucepan |
Way6 | Coffee filter |
How to brew Altrerra coffee grounds with a French press
Here are the steps for brewing Alterra coffee grounds with a French press:
- Boil water and open the Alterra packet and spriknke the grounds in the cylinder of the French press.
- Once the water is ready pour it into the French press and let the coffee bloom for about 2-3 minutes.
- Press the plunger down to block the grounds slipping through your brew
- Pour hot coffee into your mug and enjoy.
It’s important to mention that coffee made with a French press contains cafestol but there are ways it can be removed from your drink.
How to brew Altrerra coffee grounds with a Moka pot
This is one of my favourite ways to brew coffee in general as it’s dead easy.
Here’s how to go about it:
- Open the Alterra packet and put it in the Moka pot’s coffee basket.
- Measure water for 1-2 cups of coffee (depending on how much coffee you want to brew each time), open the top lid and add it to the Moka pot.
- Place the Moka pot on a stove and turn it on for 3-4 minutes.
- Open the lid and check if coffee is dripping in the top of the pot.
- Once there’s enough coffee in the pot it means you’re done with the brewing.

How to brew Altrerra coffee grounds with a Faux French press
This is a creative way of brewing coffee without using a French press.
Here’s how to brew with a Faux French press:
- Boil water and place the content of the coffee grounds in a bowl
- Add a splash of the boil water to the bowl and start pressing the coffee grounds with a spoon
- Pour the rest of the boiled water into the bowl and do a second round of pressing the grounds with the spoon.
- This way the coffee grounds will sit on the bottom of the bowl.
- Use paper coffee filter or even an old shirt (you don’t want to put on anymore) to filter the coffee grounds while pouring coffee into your mug and you’re good to go.
How to brew Altrerra coffee grounds with the Lebanses method
This is another simple yet effective method to use your Alterra coffee ground packets without the use of a coffee brewer.
Let’s have a look at the steps:
- Place the coffee ground content in a little saucepan (prefeably and ibrik)
- Add enough water for brewing 1-2 cups of coffee (measure the water with a mug to ensure you add the right amount)
- Put the saucepan on a stove and turn it on for about 1-1.5 minutes.
- Give it a good stir for a few seconds and let it brew
- You’ll soon notice a thick layer on top which indicates that your coffee is ready
- Give it 1 minute for the grounds to settle so they don’t end up in your mug. (Alternatively use a filter).
How to brew Altrerra coffee grounds with a large saucepan
This method is pretty similar to the previous one, but if you want to brew more than 1-2 cups of coffee, it’s wise to go for this method.
Here’s how to use a large saucepan for brewing:
- Figure out how much water you need (if you want to brew 5 cups, add 5 mugs of water to the saucepan)
- Turn the stove on to boil the water and leave it like this for about 2-3 minutes
- Add the Alterra coffee grounds; add as many packs as the cups of coffee you’re planning to brew (if it’s five then you’ll need five packs of coffee grounds)
- Use a spoon to stir up the mix of water and coffee
- Once the coffee is brewed, give it a minute or two for the coffee grounds to sit and you’re good to go.
How to brew Altrerra coffee grounds with the ‘filter’ way
This is a creative and fun way to brew Alterra coffee grounds.
Here are the steps:
- Use a piece of clothing made of cotton (it can be an old shirt) or even an old handkerchief and spirnke the coffee grounds on it
- Boil water and once it’s boiled add a splash of water to the piece of clothing
- Hold the piece of clothing on the brim of your mason jar and pour the rest of the water into the jar.
- Grab all the ends of the piece of clothing and dip it into the jar with the hot water as if it was a teabag and you were making tea.
- Dip it another 3-4 times, depending on how strong you want your coffee to be.
Things to keep in mind
Here’s a bunch of things to keep in mind:
- When adding water to a bowl, jar saucepan or any other tool, do it in a gentle way; splashing water abruptly can cause brusies.
- When using a spoon to stir or press coffee grinds, the odds are that after a while it’ll get to hot; it’s wise to hold the spoon with the cloth to not burn yourself.
- Make sure you open the packet of Alterra coffee grinds gently and it’s a good idea to not use too sharp object for this purpose.
Can you use a coffee pod without a machine?
The answer to this questions is: Yes you can, all you need to do is open a little hole in the pod to take the coffee grinds out. Once you’ve taken it all out, simply use one of the six different ways we discussed in this blog post to brew delicious coffee.
Is it okay to make coffee without a filter?
It is definitely ok to brew coffee without a filter, but it won’t taste as nice as coffee made with a filter.
Practically a filter is used to block coffee grinds going through your mug which most people don’t like as they taste bitter and earthy. It’s a good idea to keep a a pack of filters at home in a cupboard. The most common coffee filter types are paper filters that do pretty good job. Some alternatives are cloth and metallic filters.
If you’ve run out of filters and you don’t feel like popping out to buy some, you can come up with creative ways to go about.
For example, you can use an old shirt or cup cake papers or even kitchen role.
How to use Flavia coffee machine?
Using a Flavia coffee machine is fairly easy.
What really put the machine on the map is that it doesn’t mess up the counter in your kitchen with coffee grounds. Once your done with your brewing you can simply open your machine take out the use Alterra packet and throw it away.
You’ll be drinking good coffee without worrying about cleaning up after every single brew.
Here’s a review of Flavia machine:
Easy to use on my Flavia machine – great smell as well. Flavia makes a great cup of coffee. Friends always comment on it.
And this is another review of Alterra coffee:
I love this coffee. It’s easy and convenient to use and tastes really great. I have tried many different flavors but this one is my favorite.
– S. Beniflah
Let’s wrap it up
Which way appeals to you most? The good thing is that you’re spoiled for choice since we’ve gone through 6 different ways to use your Alterra coffee grinds without a machine. Whichever way you’re going to go for, make sure you follow the steps and execute the method in a safe way.

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