
What is the Least Bitter Coffee at Starbucks? 6 Ways to Avoid It

Ever wondered what’s the least bitter coffee at Starbucks? 

The American coffee shop chain that has more than 33,833 in 80 different countries is known for the quality of its coffee. But some coffees are more bitter than others. What are they? Stick around in this article, I’m talking about the most and least bitter coffees at Starbucks and share tips on how to make the most out of your next visit in one of their coffee shops. 

Let’s jump straight into it. 

What is the least bitter coffee at Starbucks?

Starbucks coffee made with Arabica (the most widely consumed coffee ) coffee beans is going to taste less bitter than coffee made with Robusta beans. Plus, when light roast coffee beans are used at Starbucks, the coffee is going to taste less bitter compared to coffee made with dark roast beans. 

Starbucks coffee types and how they affect your coffee’s taste

Let’s talk about different coffee types to help you get the big picture. 

Arabica vs. Robusta

As already mentioned Arabica coffee beans are the most popular beans accounting for the 60% of global coffee consumption. Arabica coffee grows mainly in Brazil, Ethiopia, Guatemala, India, and Colombia. Robusta is obviously not as popular as Arabica and it majorly grows in Africa and Indonesia. 

What’s the difference in taste? 

Arabica beans taste nutty and fruity with distinct citrus notes whereas coffee made with Robusta coffee beans tastes slightly more bitter and many claim that has winey hints in it. 

Light, Medium and Dark

These are the most popular coffee roasts and what really makes them fall into one of these categories is the time they get roasted. More specifically, light roast coffee beans are roasted for 3-5 minutes at 180 to 205 °C while medium roasts are roasted for 12-15 minutes at 204.4-221.1 °C and dark roasts are roasted for 15-30 minutes at 221.1-232.2 °C.

What coffee should you order that is the least bitter?

Let’s chat about different ways of ordering at Starbucks and avoiding coffee with any hint of bitterness. 

1. Order milky coffee

The good thing with Starbucks is that are plenty of options to go for. 

For example, you can opt for a latte (190 calories) or iced latte on a scorching day, they both contain a fair bit of cow milk which has lactose a natural sugar. The sweetness of milk takes away any bitterness your coffee might have. Similarly, other great alternatives to a latte are Cappuccino (140 calories), Caffe Mocha (370 calories), which also contain milk.

2. Sweet coffee

Another effective way to take the bitterness away is to add sugar. For example, frappuccinos are some of the most delicious and sweet coffees you can order at Starbucks. And the good thing is you’re going to be spoiled for choice since there are so many different frappuccino Starbucks flavours to choose from.

Here are some of the most popular ones: 

  • Chocolate Java Mint Frappuccino Blended Beverage
  • Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino
  • Espresso Frappuccino Blended Beverage
  • Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino Blended Beverage
  • Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino Blended Beverage
  • Caramel Frappuccino Blended Beverage
  • Coffee Frappuccino Blended Beverage
  • Mocha Frappuccino Blended Beverage

3. Coffee with syrup 

Similar to sugar, you can order coffee and ask for a pump or 2 of your favorite syrup – this will definitely make your coffee less bitter and add a nice sweet spin to your drink. Each pump at Starbucks typically costs an extra $0.5, so it’s not much of a difference to what you would pay without adding syrup to your brew. 

Some of the most popular Starbucks syrup flavours are: 

  • Vanilla
  • Hazelnut 
  • Caramel 
  • Brown sugar syrup
  • Peppermint syrup
  • Pumpkin spice syrup
  • Honey Ginger 
  • Cinnamon Dolce

4. Coffee with toppings 

If you’re not into syrups or too sweet coffee, you can still order coffee that tastes less bitter by asking for toppings. They make your coffee look better and of course, they add an extra layer of taste. 

Let’s take a look at the most delicious and popular Starbucks toppings: 

  • Whipped cream
  • Mocha Drizzle
  • Caramel Drizzle 
  • Cookie Crumbles 
  • Cinnamon Dolce 
  • Caramel Crunchies 
  • Chocolate Powder 
  • Pumpkin Spice Powder 
  • Italian Roast Drizzle 
  • Caramel Brulee Topping 

5. Pair your drink with a cake or sweet

Another way to take away bitterness from your taste buds is to pair your drink with a slice of cake or other sweets you can find at Starbucks.

Let’s take a look at some of the most decadent Starbucks sweets: 

  • Double Chocolate Brownie
  • Marshmallow Bar
  • Pecan Tart
  • Chocolate Croissant
  • Coffee Cake
  • Muffins (Pumpkin Cream Cheese, Blueberry,, Chocolate Chunk)
  • Morning Bun

6. Ask for recommendations

One more way to ensure your coffee won’t taste bitter is to ask for recommendations. Baristas at Starbucks are knowledgeable and can recommend what to go for. Simply ask for coffee that doesn’t taste bitter and I’m pretty sure that they’ll come up with different recommendations. 

What if you brew Starbucks coffee at home? 

If you’ve bought Starbucks coffee beans and you’re planning to brew coffee at home, I suggest you follow one of the above tips to make sure your coffee doesn’t taste bitter. 

Let’s quickly summarise them: 

  • Make a latte, cappuccino, or macchiato as they contain cow milk which makes your brew sweeter and takes the bitterness away.
  • Add sugar (white or brown) or even a pinch of salt or butter, all of them add a sweet spring to your drink
  • Get a syrup bottle and add a splash or 2 to your drink 
  • Add delicious toppings that make your coffee look gorgeous 
  • Have a slice of a carrot cake or any other sweet you really fancy 

Let’s wrap it up

Happy days, you’ve made it to the end of this article, and by now I’m confident you know which are the least bitter coffees at Starbucks. Next time you go to Starbucks order a drink to your liking and really enjoy the whole experience they offer. 


Let’s go over a few FAQs to learn more about the subject. 

What to get at Starbucks if you don t like bitter coffee?

There are so many different options you can go for if you don’t like bitter coffee. Go for a Starbucks smoothie which tastes great and is nutritious or juice which is also nutritious. Ordering a cup of tea is also an option that doesn’t taste bitter. 

What is the least strongest coffee at Starbucks?

Typically the least strong coffees at Starbucks are brews that only contain 1 espresso shot. For example, you can ask for a double shot for your latte or cappuccino, but obviously, this is going to make your drink strong. If you’re not into strong coffee I suggest you go for a brew that contains only 1 espresso shot and if you’re looking for a specific recommendation, I’d say americano isn’t that strong as it contains water.  

What is the lightest Starbucks coffee?

Blonde Roast is considered to be the lightest coffee which is equal to light roast and it typically tastes fruity and has citrus notes. Blonde Starbucks makes great latte (either hot or cold), I highly recommend you give it a shot. 

What drink at Starbucks tastes the least like coffee?

Frappuccinos at Starbucks don’t taste much of coffee since they have different syrups and add-ons in them. Other drinks in the same category are hazelnut or vanilla latte or good old cappuccino. 

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