
Black Coffee with Honey: Does it Taste Good?

Ever tried black coffee with honey?

I know, it’s not the most common way to have your coffee; most of us add sugar or milk or just have it black. But as you might have heard honey has a number of health benefits and it’s good to pair it with your drinks including coffee and tea. But does it taste good? Stick around, in this article, I’m going over all the key facts that you need to know about honey paired with black coffee, share my take on how it really tastes and what’s the best way to make it so your cup of joe is going to be an absolute delight. 

Let’s dive in.

10 health benefits of black coffee with honey

Let’s take a look at 11 health benefits of drinking coffee with some honey in it:

  1. It soothes your throat (it’s a great remedy, especially if you caught a cold)
  2. It increases your physical performance (highly recommended for athletes and those who have a labour job) 
  3. It works a proper energy boost 
  4. It reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes 
  5. It reduces the risk of dementia (this disease is spreading fast over the last decades) 
  6. It helps you fight depression and other mental health problems
  7. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
  8. Coffee and honey have antioxidant properties, meaning that they help cleanse your body
  9. It improves heart health 
  10. It promotes wound and burn healing 

How to make black coffee with honey for weight loss

Let’s go through the important steps you need for making decadent coffee with a hint of honey.

Coffee beans

What sort of coffee should you use? 

There’s no hard and fast rule regarding the type of coffee you should use. But I suggest you go for coffee beans rather than pre-ground coffee. 

Yes, I get it, it’s more convenient to brew with pre-ground coffee; you don’t mess up the kitchen and you don’t spend time and energy doing the grinding yourself. The real benefit to purchasing whole coffee beans and doing the grinding yourself is that your drink is going to taste so much better; it’s going to have a more intense aroma and flavours that really evoke your senses. 

This little extra work is absolutely worth it. The only thing you need is to make a small investment (around 10 bucks) and buy a good grinder. 


Did you know that honey is one of the very few products that never goes off? 

But as you might have guessed there are different kinds of honey and the quality of each one differs. It’s wise to opt for organic honey to take advantage of all its great health benefits – it might cost a bit more but you don’t need a lot for your coffee. 

The recipe 

Here are the steps you need to follow to brew make delicious coffee with honey: 

  • Brew black coffee with your prefered method (whether coffee machine or Moka pot etc)
  • Let the coffee cool down until it reaches room temperature
  • Add a spoon (the ratio is 1 spoon for 8oz coffee) of honey to the bottom of your mug
  • Pour the coffee over and use a spoon to mix the honey with coffee
  • Optionally, you can add cinnamon which goes well with honey and its aroma is just great

This is a simple recipe yet it’s a great way of elevating the taste of your coffee. 

5 types of honey that go well with coffee

Let’s talk about 5 types of honey you should consider buying. 

Manuka honey

Manuka honey comes from New Zealand and it’s regarded as one of the best honey types around. It’s known for its antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for treating skin and any other infections.

Eucalyptus honey

It has all the great herb properties you get from eucalyptus. It’s ideal to sweetener your black coffee and it helps improve expectoration, suppress natural cough and minimises mucus. Overall it’s a great option for your coffee, and it’s pretty popular, meaning you’ll be able to find it online and in supermarkets. 

Acacia honey 

It’s another option worth taking into account and it’s great for healing wounds and burns due to its acacia properties. It’s a proper boost for your immune system. Plus, its taste is also great although it’s not as sweet as other types of honey. 

Raw honey

It contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds that offer an extra layer to your immune system. It also protects your body from cell damage. 

Buckwheat honey

Buckwheat honey tastes great and it’s ideal for soothing your soar through as well as relieving you from cough. It’s also high in antioxidant properties. 

Orange Blossom honey 

Orange Blossom honey is rich in vitamins and minerals to help you boost your immune system and fight insomnia (if you’re suffering from it). It helps you with digestion issues and it reduces the risk of blood-related issues. It contains vitamins A,B and C.

Let’s wrap it up 

Would you give black coffee with honey a whirl? Honey has so many health benefits that it’s worth adding some every now and again to your coffee. Plus, it tastes good; it adds a subtly sweet spin to your drink, so you relish every sip. 


Do you have a burning question on the topic? Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions about coffee with honey.

Is black coffee with honey a good option for weight loss? 

The short answer is: Yes

Honey is a better option than sugar, so if you’ve been drinking your coffee with sugar, consider substituting sugar with honey. Reason being, honey contains a lower glycemic index, meaning that it doesn’t affect your blood sugar level that much. Plus, honey is richer in minerals and vitamins including potassium and calcium. 

So, it’s overall a healthier option than sugar. 

What can you add to your black coffee when you’re on diet? 

Luckily, there are different things you can add to your coffee to sweeten it while on a diet. For example, you can add some dark chocolate or even salt (yes it somehow makes your coffee sweeter), cinnamon, honey (of course we already said that) or even stevia which is super low on calories and healthier than sugar. 

Can you add honey to your hot brew? 

Yes of course you can. 

But… it won’t taste as good as when you let your brew cool down a bit and then add the honey. I tried both ways and the latter one seems to be better as the flavours of honey spread across your coffee and it simply tastes better. If you do it the other way, you might end up with a cup of coffee that its taste is uneven – one sip might be sweet while the next might not. 

How much honey do you put in coffee? 

I personally add a spoon to an 8oz cup of coffee but that’s my personal preference. It depends on how sweet you want your coffee to be. For example, if you tried with just 1 spoon and you don’t find it sweet enough I suggest you add 1 more spoon to your brew – it’s wise to experiment a little bit until you find the magic recipe for your coffee.  

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