
The Sweet Spot of Espresso That Makes Your Cofee Taste 10x Better

Do you know how to find the sweet spot of espresso? 

Making great coffee comes down to doing many things right and one of them is finding this sweet spot. And as you might have guessed you need a lot of practice and even burn espresso to get this right. Stick around, I’ve compiled a guide on how to get this spot right and impress your family and friends with your ‘world-class’ barista skills.

Let’s get started. 

What is sweet spot espresso? 

In essence, what the ‘sweet spot espresso’ means is to do the timing right and brew perfect espressos. If you don’t brew long enough the hot water you use for brewing won’t extract all the flavours and aromas from your coffee grounds. If you brew too long, the odds are your coffee is going to taste bitter as the high pressure of your machine will burn some of the coffee grounds.

How do you do the timing right then? The key aspect of this is to practice a lot since it becomes second nature to you. But apart from doing practice, there is a bunch of tips and trick you can follow for better results faster which I go over further down this guide.

Tips and Tricks on how to do the sweet spot espresso right

Let’s go over a bunch of tips and tricks on how to get the sweet spot right:

  • Make sure you go over the manual booklet of your espresso machine to find what the manufacturer recommends about the ideal time for brewing. It typically varies from one espresso machine to another, so it’s wise to know the exact time they recommend. If it’s not on the booklet, you can always reach out to them to find out.
  • Use the right amount of pressure because as you might have guessed the amount of pressure varies. 
  • Use freshly ground coffee for brewing aromatic coffee
  • Clean thoroughly your espresso machine right after each brewing to ensure that your machine works to its top capacity.
  • Be able to pre-infuse espresso only for the time needed.

Let’s wrap it up

I believe you now have a better understanding of how to get the sweet spot espresso right. Believe it or not, this makes a better barista than the average person who brews espresso at home. It’s always great to find ways to brew better and enjoy aromatic coffee every single time. 


Let’s go over a couple of frequently asked questions.

How do you make espresso taste sweet?

There are a few ways you can make your espresso taste sweeter. The most common one is to add sugar (whether white or brown). Another way to sweeten your coffee (which is unusual but works) is to add salt. Funnily, enough adding salt to espresso makes it taste less bitter and at the same time sweeter.

What are the 3 types of espresso?

Espresso has many variations and there are also espresso drinks with milk including cappuccino, and latte. These are some of the most common espresso types without milk: 

  • Espresso (single)
  • Ristretto
  • Doppio
  • Americano
  • Lungo
  • Con Hielo

Which espresso is the sweetest?

One of the sweetest espresso-based drinks is mocha which contains 3 main ingredients:

  • espresso
  • chocolate
  • Milk

The blend of chocolate with espresso and steamed milk really elevate this drink. It’s a nice drink but many coffee lovers find it too sweet.

Why isn’t my espresso sweet?

Typically, espresso doesn’t taste sweet, it’s bitter unless you add extras such as sugar, steamed milk or even cream. You can look for recipes on how to make a hot or cold latte that is normally sweeter than a single espresso.

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